Happy Birthday Katie Jane!

I can’t believe Katie is 8 today! Where did that time go? I feel like she was just this small

She will always be my baby but she is turning in to such a sweet young lady. We had the best day today. She woke up to a table of surprises and got to wake Lillian up at 7:00 so she could open her presents. 

They played this morning. We got Sonic for lunch and met Kelli for pedicures. She got surprise flowers delivered from Yaya. (She’s at the beach this week but will be back for the party this weekend.) Case and Lane came over to swim and play. 

And Daddy made burgers for dinner and we had my homemade strawberry cake for dessert (it doesn’t look very pretty but it tasted good!) 

It was a wonderful day celebrating our girl. Happy Birthday KatieJane! 


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