Piper’s Spring Break

While we were in Baton Rouge last weekend we realized Piper was on her spring break this week. Jen had to work several days and was asking Dad if he would keep her during the day, but I suggested they come up here instead. The beauty of homeschooling is we can take a day off for something like that and it doesn’t mess us up. So they got here Tuesday afternoon after we were done with school. We skipped working on Wednesday. And they left at 7o’clock this morning so that I could go get my second vaccine shot, go see Yaya, and then come back and do school.

It was very low key, we never left the house. But Dad and I had a nice visit and the girls had a blast! They swam, played on the swing and trampoline, helped Matt in the garden, and did lots of giggling upstairs. I’m so happy Lillian is excited to go back to school next year, but the times like these we have been able to have, have been memory makers for sure. ❤️


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