Homeschool Field Day

I never expected that we would continue to homeschool past this one year, but I am really looking forward to next year. So much has started back recently after Covid but it’s all right as the year is coming to an end. When a lot of people hear “homeschooler” they think “hermit,” but that couldn’t be further from the case. Shreveport/Bossier actually has a huge homeschooling community with tons of events and you could meet up with groups several times a week if you look for them. Today was one of those days and the YMCA hosted a Field Day and I think it was bigger than they expected. It was the 3rd annual but homeschooling has increased by about 50% this year and there were literally hundreds of kids there. 

There were all of the typical events and they both had a blast. Lillian didn’t really even want to go but I think she ended up having the most fun. She was saying bye to groups of girls by the end. 😉 She said she was sorry they were homeschoolers and not Benton kids because even though she had fun, she still wants to go to school. And while I am definitely happy for her to and go, and I know she will love it and do great; I do wish her experience with being home could’ve been more like what Katie will get next year. 
Katie is a little more shy and takes awhile to warm up but she had “friends” by the end too. We saw several people we had seen at other meet ups and found out about new things to get involved with this fall. We’re calling this out last day of school so it was a great way to end it!


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