Sleepover Fun
The girls had the best time at a sleepover at Heather’s last night. We have only had 3 nights away from each other (2 with Yaya last fall and 1 with Hailey over spring break) in almost a year so I’m sure they needed friend time without us as much as Matt and I needed a night to ourselves. 😊

They’ve never been really big on sleeping at other people’s houses but since they’ve been with me 24/7 for 14 months, I think they were ready to go! And they loved it. (Although they were definitely ready to be back home after it too) I heard there was a slip n slide, movies, lots of junk food and giggling and very little sleep. Exactly the way a sleepover should be. So glad it’s summer and stuff like this can happen all the time!
They’ve never been really big on sleeping at other people’s houses but since they’ve been with me 24/7 for 14 months, I think they were ready to go! And they loved it. (Although they were definitely ready to be back home after it too) I heard there was a slip n slide, movies, lots of junk food and giggling and very little sleep. Exactly the way a sleepover should be. So glad it’s summer and stuff like this can happen all the time!
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