Another Successful Cousin Camp

We have had another successful cousin camp the last few nights. (I feel like I need to come up with a camp name!) Andrew and Brooks got here Monday because Kelly has a conference in Shreveport from Monday to Thursday this week. We talked about this back in May at Nick’s wedding and, at the time, I told her she should bring the boys and we’d do a bunch of fun stuff all week while she was busy with meetings. Well, “May Amy” was not as tired as “July Amy” so, I was still happy to have them, but not as ambitious and we didn’t leave the house too much. It was mostly pool and movies which makes any kid happy anyway. 

I had to work yesterday so Raegan came for about 5 hours and she’s always a blast because she plays the whole time. Lillian and Andrew are almost too big for a babysitter, but also not quite old enough to BE the babysitter to a 6 year old so I needed some help. Lillian was happy to have her anyway because it was the first time she has babysat since before Covid. She has stopped by to see them several times, but the first one on one they have gotten in almost 2 years. She couldn’t believe how different they are! 

And today, the girls had riding lessons so Brooks and I went to Target, and Andrew got some alone time at the house. And then, they got more pool time before Kelly came by for dinner and to hang out for a little bit this evening. It wasn’t the “fun activity everyday” visit that I had planned in my head a few months ago, but they all loved getting to spend time together anyway.

And they have now officially had a sleepover with every cousin on both sides (except for Daniel-but he’s 18 so almost doesn’t count 😉) in the last 2 months! And all but Daniel, Case and Lane have been at least one night at our house which the girls have loved so much. They spent the first 10 months in this house wishing they could have someone over to share things with and I think we’ve made up for it! They will get a couple of nights down in Baton Rouge this weekend, and then a couple more nights with all the McCormick cousins in Dallas next week, and then the summer of sleepovers will have to come to an end. (Making a grand total of 45 since we left for the beach, with 28 at our house😳❤️) But I think they are ready. Britney and Bella asked if they could have a sleepover before school starts and we all agreed that we would wait until that first weekend after. After the Anatole, we are going to enjoy the last week of summer with just our family and getting some relaxing time. I know she’s ready, but I sure am going to miss Lillian when she’s gone everyday, and I need some time with her before she does. 


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