Mom and Lilli in Hot Springs

Several weeks ago, Lillian mentioned that she was wanting to get some one on one time with me. After spending just about every weekend of hunting season at the camp with her Daddy and Capn, she said she missed me. ❤️ I’m sure she would have been happy with a day together but I’d missed her too and decided we needed a weekend. I had originally planned it for 2 weeks ago but Covid messed it up so I got it scheduled again as soon as we could. 

We left Friday after school and drove to Hot Springs. We got there about 6:00 and only checked into the hotel and went to dinner that night. We were both exhausted and in bed by 9:00

The next morning was hotel breakfast and we hung around there until leaving for the races about 10:00. I had no idea what to expect but she loved it! We watched the horses being shown before each race and make our picks (just for bragging rights- I’ve never really been a gambler) and then went to our seats to watch. We braved the cold the last two races we saw for a better view. 

We watched 7 races and stayed until about 3:30. We had to miss the last 4 but had nail appointments so…priorities.

We went to a movie that night and got a good night sleep before leaving by 8:00 Sunday morning. The drive is only about two and a half hours so we had plenty of time to cuddle the babies that day

Katie and Matt had a good, lazy weekend. The weather was terrible so they just hung around the house but Katie was glad to get her Daddy to herself too. ❤️ I thought she might be jealous but she never said a word. Everyone loved their one on one weekend!


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