A Whole New World

It’s been hitting me lately how much our kids are growing up. According to her teacher, Kathleen just learned the last skill that she needs to make the gymnastics team and should most likely move up after competition season this summer.

 She is also really loving soccer even though her team has yet to win a game this season. 😉

Lillian has been working hard on softball skills in hopes of making the middle school team
and her art is becoming amazing.

She did the beta fish in talented art class and the elk was just a “doodle” for Matt after they watched a show together and he mentioned he wanted to go elk hunting one day. I think it’s an impressive doodle!

Easter Timehop from this year vs. 8 years ago is crazy too! Where does this time go??

But the kids growing up is definitely not without some benefits too. 

Matt and I left the girls home while we had a lunch date today. We’ve left them several times while we ran errands but this was the first time to go out just for fun and it’s a whole new world! Each season has its joys and I’m enjoying this one. ❤️


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