Happy Birthday Lala!

We had the BEST weekend with my Dad and Allie to celebrate her birthday. (She turns 38 tomorrow.) It had been 4 years since she’d been up to visit and we really had a nice time. She had to work on Friday so they didn’t get in until about 10:30 that night. We did a quick tour of the house and everyone was in bed by 11:15. We woke up the next morning and cheered on Katie and The Hawks in her soccer game. 

We went straight from there to the deer camp to spend the afternoon fishing, canoeing and shooting.

Dad was so mad the girls outshot him with his own rifle! (Not really- the pic was a joke of course, he was SO PROUD) but poor Gypsy didn’t like it. Lilli thought her face was hilarious and I found it funny she clung to my Dad as much as me. They really bonded while we were in the Keys. 

We ended the evening with a nice birthday meal, with cake and presents, and sitting on the porch until dark. 

We had coffee on the porch this morning and headed out about 10:00. It was a quick visit but so nice! Happy Birthday Allie! 


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