Much Needed!

After 5 weeks of pretty much going non-stop, this week is exactly what I needed. The kids were at aquarium camp from 9:00-4:00 everyday and Christy did pick-up all 5 days. So that meant after 9AM I had 7 1/2 hours of no kids and I took full advantage and did a whole lot of nothing. I think I napped 3 of the days and watched a lot of junk TV. Of course I did have to work a little to get ready for a listing, and I had errands to run a few days. Plus, I tried to exercise every morning and cook every night (Matt brought home peaches and asked for a cobbler, so good!) and also had to get Katie’s curriculum organized which is a job in itself 

But there was a lot of chill time in there too. I remembered what that year and a half was like that they were both in real school and I had all day to myself. I guess I went to the office more and volunteered at the school a lot but I can’t for the life of me figure out what I did with SO MUCH TIME, lol. I know one day I’ll have the days again so I’ll enjoy them being with me while I can. 

The evenings had a sleepover one night

And they went back to riding lessons after a 2 week break because their teacher was competing in (and winning!) at Nationals.

But they needed some quiet time too. Today is Saturday and I think I’ve only seen them about an hour total. They’ve been in their rooms having the alone time they’ve been needing. We are going to enjoy it before Kelly’s boys, Andrew and Brooks, are here for 3 nights next week while she’s at a conference in Shreveport. This will mean they have officially had a sleepover with every cousin they have, even this more distant ones, this summer. What amazing memories  for them! 


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