First Pool Day of the Year

Lilli and I got to go swimming for the first time this year today.  Matt is at the deer camp catching us some crawfish for tomorrow (my allergies kept us from joining him, it's bad up there!) and Lilli and I went to Chris and Carissa's apartment to swim and grill by the pool.  Last year she never had a second thought about getting in the pool from day one.  It's funny how things can change.  She was very excited about the thought of going all day but once we got there it took quite a bit of coaxing to get her to even get in the sunbathing area that's only about a foot deep.  Even once she got in she wouldn't let go of the wall for about 20 minutes.  And then it took a full hour to get her to let me hold her in the big part.  Of course after about 2 minutes she was fine and wanted everyone to get in with her. I think we're set for the rest of the year now.

After playing, Chris grilled us all some chicken and vegetables before we headed home for bed. It was a really nice way to spend a Friday night.  It is funny how things change for us too.  A swim, dinner and home by 7:00 would not have been my Friday night just a few years ago but now I wouldn't want it any other way. Only thing that could have made it better is if Matt could have been there too but we sure do appreciate him getting us crawfish one more time this year!


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