What I like about Sundays...

I love Sundays! It's almost always a day of relaxing with just the three of us at home or doing something fun as a family.  Even if we've been out of town we're usually all back together at home by the afternoon.  Today was a great one.  We woke up and had a lazy morning and then went to the 10:45 church service.  From there the 3 of us went to lunch at El Mariachi before heading to the movies to see the Disney Nature film "Chimpanzee."
He didn't smile in the first so I made him take a 2nd :)
Matt and I love movies but I'm the only one that likes "going" to the movies. He humors me and takes me to the blockbusters that are better in theaters but, for most part, he'd rather sit in our living room watching it in a recliner and able to pause it if we want to get up.  So I was surprised when I mentioned that Lilli wanted to see this one and he said he wanted to go.  I think it was his favorite movie experience ever. (can you hear the sarcasm?)  Lilli was in to it but she's still a squirmy toddler that wanted to move from her Daddy's lap to mine to standing through the whole thing.  It was a very good movie and we all enjoyed it but I think it will be the last time he joins us for one for a while. :)

After everyone had a nap, we all went over to Chris and Carissa's pool for a swim and to grill again.  Lilli's loving getting to swim all the time and this is what I call a picnic...

Bacon wrapped deer back strap, homemade potato salad from the leftovers from yesterdays crawfish boil, macaroni and cheese and coleslaw.  What a good Sunday!


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