Celebrating the 4th with a Bang!

Today was a relaxing day at home with the family.  In the 10 years that Matt and I have been together, this is the first time we've stayed home and not gone to his parents' lake house.  It fell in the middle of the week and we both had things to do tomorrow and we really wanted Lilli to be able to see fireworks for the first time.  We really missed being there but discovered that a day at home and night out with just the three of us could run a close second.  We had Chris and Carissa over for lunch and spent a few hours just hanging out and watching Lilli play in the baby pool.  Matt put some meat on the smoker even though we were going out tonight because it's "the American thing to do," haha

After lunch, all 3 of us took a long nap to prepare for being up late tonight.  Then we headed to Joe's Crab Shack in the Boardwalk to have dinner while we waited for the fireworks to start.
Perfect restaurant for a wait, they have a playground!

We timed it perfectly because when we were done it was time to go find a spot to sit.  I think Lilli thought the fireworks were the most amazing thing she had ever seen.  We have her Daddy to thank for tonight.  Crowds, traffic, waits... not exactly his favorite things.  But going tonight was his idea because he knew he'd get to see this:
She loved every second of it!


And it wasn't as bad as we thought it would be.  The crowd didn't get bad until right before the fireworks so the wait at the restaurant wasn't bad and it was easy to park.  Matt thought ahead on where we parked too so we didn't get stuck in traffic afterwards.  The show ended at 9:15 and she was home, bathed and in bed at 10:00.  All in all, a really good day.


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