Lilli+Lily= Twice the fun!

Today was the first day Lily came to play with us and it was so much fun! She's going to be here most days in July and I think my Lilli is super excited about that! She's here from a little after 8 till a little after 4 and there was not a dull minute.  Luckily they do nap on the same schedule so I got a little time to get in a workout and shower today too.  We colored, played outside, pulled every toy we own out in the living room, played with Jackson, watched the fish.... Some things I learned were that I'm probably going to stick with calling Lilli, Lillian.  The same name was hard, they never knew who I was talking too, haha.  And toys that there are two of, are the best ones.  They really did share well but they always seemed to want what the other had.  As Lily was leaving this evening Lillian said "I want her to come back tomorrow." That's a good start!


  1. Oh boy ms LILLI.....a playmate for you! I know she had fun......and um, did mama?? are you worn out tonight?
    You know what I always say....God made all those babies for the younguns like you...!!!


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