Our grandmas would be so proud!

We have lived in the house we are in for 5 years now.  This fig tree has always been here but I finally just got motivated to do something with them.  Neither of us really like figs but my Dad is coming Tuesday to be here when I have surgery and he LOVES them.  So I got online and looked up how to make preserves.  We have no idea if they turned out right.  They tasted pretty good but neither of us have eaten very many so we're not really sure if they're right.  I'll be curious to hear Pops' opinion.  We had a little over 6 pounds so I put them in a pot with about 6 cups of sugar and the juice of 2 lemons and let them simmer for about an hour and a half.  When they were done we spooned them in to cans.  We may be the only people to ever use a crawfish pot for the hot water bath to seal them but it worked!

Picked figs, made the preserves and canned them! Our grandmas would be proud. :)


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