My daughter?????

Years ago my Mom told me that if someone would have asked her what my life would turn out like when I was younger, her answer would have been completely wrong from the way it really did.  She said her answer would have been that I would go to LSU and live and work in Baton Rouge because I liked "city life" and would never leave where my family lived.  She also thought out of all of her girls I would be the one that would want the big, "traditional" wedding.  She told me this right after Matt and I took her on her first four wheeler ride no where close the city. And as you know I left Baton Rouge at 18 and our wedding vows were in front of 30 people (if you don't count all the other hotel guests) on a beach in Mexico.  She also told me that day that now that she saw how happy this life had made me, she couldn't imagine it any other way.  So, I can guarantee you she laughed today as MY daughter gobbled down some fried frog legs with her Daddy at dinner.  I told Matt there was no way she was going to eat that.  You see, I'm still too much of a "city" girl for that (he fried me some fish) but she loved it.  I don't even like taking the pictures after he goes frog gigging but I have a feeling she'll be right there with him in a few years.  It may not be on the same scale as my Mom's but I have a feeling that girl will never cease to surprise us.


  1. Your mom is watching every move that ms Lilli makes and could not be happier for her,,,or for you! Everytime that sweet husband makes you laugh with happiness......she is giggling right along with you. Whether you're in the swamps, the deer fields or at chuckie cheese!!
    And DO have your hands full!!

  2. ooooh Amy! gotta love that lilli girl! Amazing what these Mccormick men can get us to do!! Love you and so happy you married Matt!! And mrs J is right your momma is having the best time giggling away!!


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