2013 Race for the Cure Weekend

We got home a few hours ago from our annual Race for the Cure weekend in Baton Rouge.  We have formed a team, Kathy's Gang, in honor of my Mom for the last 3 years.  Each year I am more overwhelmed by the amount of support we receive from our family and friends.  We raised right at $3000 this year! The support for Susan G. Komen is the most important thing that we get out of this but it also turns in to a very fun weekend.  Dad has friends that travel from out of town for it every year and he had 3 different parties at his house too.  On Friday all of his out of town guest and our family had a delicious gumbo dinner, Saturday afternoon was a reception immediately after the race for all the participants and Saturday night my family through a birthday party for me.  It's not until next weekend but this will be the last time I see them before.  It was a lot of work to coordinate so many events but it was so worth it to be able to spend this special time with our friends and family remembering my Mom.

Friday Night:

Saturday Race:

Saturday reception:

Saturday Night:

Thanks to everyone that supported us by coming out for the walk or by making a donation.  It means more to us than you can know. 


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