Spring Break Week

Lilli and I really had a good time this week for Spring Break. It was fun that some of her friends were out of school and we had people to do things with during the day. On Monday we met Mrs. Tiffany and Aubrey at the Bossier Central Library for story and play time. The girls played in the kids section for about an hour and a half and then we went to get some frozen yogurt at Sweet Frog.

On Wednesday we had another fun afternoon. We met Tiffany and Aubrey again for lunch at Fudruckers and this time I also picked up Sophie to join us. We all ate burgers and then me, Lilli and Sophie went to the movies to see The Croods. It was a very cute movie and worth seeing if you have a kid to take (or even if you don't :) )

That night we stayed at the deer camp because they had painted our bathrooms and we weren't able to shower at home. It's always so relaxing out there and this time Lilli finally discovered that the big dirt pile was A LOT of fun!

I didn't get pictures but Thursday we had a picnic at the park and a friend from ballet was there. The girls played for about an hour together. It's going to be hard to go back to her friends being in school next week. She's gonna think I am so boring! The week of no naps (trying to stay gone most of the day for the painters) and all the playing finally caught up to her yesterday. She slept till 8:15! (Normal time is 6:30-7) Now if I could just figure out how to make that happen everyday.


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