Start of Spring Break!

Lilli and I have been enjoying the last few days with our friends. It is spring break this week so I'm trying to do some fun things with her. The way her days Mother's Day Out days fall she will actually be out for 2 weeks. I feel like we need to do things to keep from getting bored and I'm also trying to stay away from the house as much as possible while our painter is here. So yesterday we met Aubrey and Mrs. Tiffany at Chuck E Cheese again for the afternoon. The girls never even want to play games together but I think they like knowing the other is there. And today we met other Lily and Mrs. Cassie at Chick-fil-A for some lunch and play time. I think Cassie and I are both feeling the effects of bring so pregnant (she is due 6 days after me) because just running errands and a trip to a fast food place had us both ready to go home and rest. Luckily the play time wore the girls out too so they didn't mind.


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