Christmas Eve

Yesterday was one of my favorite Christmas Eve's that I can remember. On top of getting to spend the day with all of the McCormick family, Allie was here as well. She got in the night before so we started our day with a lazy morning before cooking and opening presents from each other. 

 I usually love it to be cold for Christmas because it makes it feel more "Christmassy" but I thouroghly enjoyed sitting outside in Vivian looking at their beautiful scenery in 75 degree weather. 

(As Yaya said, "Some kids play in the snow. Kids in the South play in leaves.")

We spent the whole day on that porch watching the kids play with the exception of a few rides. Somehow in the last 14 years I've only ridden around this property once and Allie never had. 

It's so pretty out there! Cap'n took us for lots of rides on his "toys" around the pasture too. Allie and I rode with the kids and sang Christmas carols as we did. 

As it got dark, and the mosquitos started coming out (in December!!), we tooks the kids in for baths and to get in Christnas pjs before presents. 

It was a mad house as usual but we wouldn't have it any other way. :) 

Presents were followed by THE most delicious dinner. Yaya outdid herself! And the company around the table was even better than the meal. 

As the McCormicks always have, the night was ended by Yaya reading The Night Before Christmas. Lilli could almost quote it. 
Then it was time for hugs and goodbyes so that we could get home to get to sleep before Santa came. And he did! More on that later. Merry Christmas! 


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