The Turkey Giveaway

Each year, on the Saturday before Christmas, the Shephards Market has their annual Great Turkey giveaway. My aunt Theresa organizes it and they provide 450 turkeys complete with sides, desserts and a loaf of homemade bread (made solely by my Dad) to 450 families in South Baton Rouge. It's always a wonderful morning and the kids even get in to it. What a way to serve those families doing God's work and truly getting in the Christmas spirit. 
Sweet cousins excited to get started. 

Dad won for most family there. Everyone that could be was there. Ryan was still flying and Matt hadn't gotten it to town yet. 

Afterwards we were all exhausted so we rested before family dinner and game night. The kids all got there gifts and one that Lilli got was Pie Face. We laughed and laughed!! 

They were truly excited about all of the gifts but I think playing pictionary was the grown ups favorite part of the evening. So fun! What wonderful Christmas memories. So excited that Santa will be here in only 5 days! 


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