Christmas Party, Santa Mouse and a Graduation

It's kind of fun when what you expect to be an ordinary Thursday, turns in to a pretty fun day. Lilli had her Christmas party at school today and Katie wanted to go. So instead of going to school like normal, she stayed home with me so I wouldn't have to pick her up in the middle of nap time. We dropped Hallie and Sadie off and I told her we could do whatever she wanted. All she wanted? Was to go for a bike ride. So she hopped on Lilli's old bike and rode for a mile and a half. She was so cute giggling the whole time and I wish I would have gotten a picture. We were too busy playing though. :) 

At 1:30 we were pulling in to school to go to Lilli's first Christmas party. The kids were all so excited to see their parents getting there and had a great time. We got to take her home early so that was fun too. 

I really like Lilli's teacher. She's made this transition to "real" school easy for Lilli (and me).  She's very sweet to the kids and she's quick to reply to emails and has no problem calling when she thinks it's a question better answered with more details. It was also the first time I had been in her classroom since the first day of school so it was fun to see what she does everyday. 

As we were leaving, we got a call from Hailey. She was at Gateway Tire and expecting it to be a while so we went and picked her up and ran some errands. It still wasn't ready when it was time to go to gymnastics so they came with us! Lilli and Katie were excited that they got to watch a little and Case loved playing in the ball pit. We knew "Santa Mouse" was coming today 
(We're not really sure what a Santa Mouse is but he brought candy so of course they liked him) 

But what we weren't expecting was that it was awards day. Lilli was awarded the Most Improved award for the last 9 weeks and "graduated" to Level 2. 
We were so proud and she was especially excited that Matt was there to see. We went to Outback to celebrate. And now it's only one more day until Christmas Break. What a great Thursday! 


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