Crazy Weather

I can't believe I am sitting at the park on December 11th watching 3 little girls run around barefoot in 73 degree weather. 

Not that I'm complaining. I am not looking forward to when the winter is in full swing and we're stuck in the house all day. These girls love to be outside and I love it when they can run off some energy. :) 

And I can't believe there is only one more week before Christmas break. It seems like it was just Thanksgiving (I guess it was) but I'm excited for 2 weeks with both my girls home. The elves have been busy getting ready. Last weekend we went to Yaya's house to do some Christmas baking and see her house decorated. We had some good little helpers. 

And I've been busy this week finishing up the last of the wrapping and getting the house ready for Nana and Lizard. They'll be here in a few hours! 


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