Happy 7th Birthday Lillian Leigh!

Happy Birthday Lilli! How did we go from this
To this
In the blink of an eye?
You will always be our baby but we are so proud of the young lady you are becoming.  I think it's safe to say that you had great day.  By 6:30 this morning you had opened your gift from us and Dad had gone to get donuts.
Yaya and I came to your school for lunch.  She brought you a cupcake and your roses "from" Granna.
This is the sweetest tradition and I held it together when I read you the card at school.  Totally lost it when I was putting them in the vase but was glad you didn't see.  You laugh at how often I cry. :)
 After school we went to Toys "R" Us to spend your birthday money. 
Before coming home to more gifts
And then Daddy took us to the Chinese buffet (your choice) for dinner.
Pops even baked you a king cake and had it sent in overnight mail so that you could have it after dinner.
A wonderful day! Happy birthday sweet Lilli Leigh! We love you!


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