It's Over?

It's the last weekend of hunting season. Where did it go? I guess it's because Matt only go to hunt a handful of times, but it went by so fast! I was glad he got to go a few times this last week because I know it killed him to miss so much this year. But I'm very thankful he made the decision to make his health the top priority (he originally asked the doctor if he could wait until February for surgery but changed his mind. Neither of us wanted it hanging over our heads for that long) He and Luke had a great morning earlier in the week

Then Friday with Wesley and Tyler
And then a great day today.

 He's exhausted (and there will be one more tomorrow) but Matt wouldn't feel like Matt without hunting so I'm glad he felt up to it these last 2 weeks. 

Us girls enjoyed some girly time for our last weekend. There were pedicures and lunch

And Katie got a "big girl" car seat so she's an especially happy girl today. It has been a great day but I am looking forward to us all being home together next week.


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