Hello 2017!

It's a new year and I have a feeling it's going to be a good one! We rang it in over the weekend with Shanon and Alex like we always do.  It's a nice way to start the year by being with best friends.  We were at the camp and Capn, Josh, Luke and Wesley were all out there for the LSU bowl game and to hunt too.  Shanon and Alex showed up with gifts for the kids on Friday and I think it's safe to say that Lilli was excited
Katie was too but she came down with strep throat the same day they got there and this was her about an hour before.
I ran her in to town on Saturday morning to go to the doc.  After one dose of antibiotic the fever came down and she was ready to play!

The adults "playing" was a little different this year with Matt still recovering and Alex pregnant
The first sign of her little bump :)
But we still had a great time.  We didn't catch up and talk baby as much as I had hoped because sick Katie needed a lot of my time but it was still a good visit. 

Matt and I were the only ones that saw the ball drop at midnight.  He told me early in the evening that he had been looking forward to that night for about 3 months.  Because he knew then that the worst of all he'd been through would be done by that point.  Well, of course after hearing that there was no way I was going to bed early.  He's never not stayed up on New Years Eve and didn't plan to start this year.

Our fireworks were way bigger than anything we've ever done.  It was a serious show and fun way to end the evening. 
I told Matt the bar is set for next year. :)

Thanks for the visit, Shanon and Alex.  We always love it when y'all come and will see you next month.


  1. We have a blast every time. We couldn't imagine ending our year or starting a fresh one without yall.


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