Another Trip Around the Sun

35 today? When did that happen? I still feel like it was yesterday that me and Matt met at 20, but our 7 and almost 4 year olds, and the fact that we will be celebrating 12 years of marriage this year says otherwise. 

It's been a good day. I woke up to coffee made and gifts, balloons and cards from Matt and the girls. I went to the office for a little bit, did a little Birthday shopping and had a long lunch with one of my best friends. 

I picked up Lilli and went for a couple mile walk with my girls. Lilli told me more about her day than she ever has on that walk so that may become our afternoon ritual.

Then Matt came home and cooked "Daddy burgers" and we all cuddled up to watch Moana together 
The perfect ending to a birthday to me! And tomorrow the babysitter comes for our birthday date night. That makes everyone happy too! They love to play with Raegan as much as we love for her to come! 


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