Officer Craig

Or Officer Allison and she tells most people to call her. I'm so happy for my sister! She had a rough (we'll leave it at that) year last year but she's really turned it around. She got a job with Baton Rouge animal control in December and got officially commissioned last week.
     (I've been teasing her about her sexy uniform ;) 

Her first solo call was to rescue some goats that had wandered away and ended up on someone else's porch. She's also rescued a cat from about a 30 foot utility pole (how did it get up there?!) and had to handle aggressive dogs. Plus rescued and released countless opossums from neighborhoods. She's gotten a wide range of experiences in such a short time and is loving it. The only thing they don't do is alligators. There's a separate department for that. :) I'm very proud of how far she's come and we are all thrilled she's found a job she loves with room to move up. Love you Lala! And we're proud of you. 


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