Skating Saturday

I took the girls to a birthday party at the skating rink today. It was the first time either of them had been and they loved it! It brought back so many memories for me too. I spent countless hours skating with my friends and I know I had at least 2 parties there myself. They're already asking when we can go back and I think I may get out there with them next time. 



And then when we got home Lilli's tadpole had FINALLY arrived. She waited "forever" for it and had asked me every day for weeks when it was going to be here. She named him (or her-you can't tell until it's grown) Bayou. Between the dogs, the hamster and the frog, I hope she finally feels like she has enough animals to care for. Matt says the frog doesn't know it, but he should be very happy to have been sent to a little girl that's going to love him. Instead of a little boy that will let him jump down the garbage disposal (like he did ;) 


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