Camp and Camping

Lilli had an amazing week going to Sailing Camp at the Shreveport Yacht Club. Capn is a member and signed her up (thank you!) and she loved it! 
I'm pretty positive she knows more about sailing than I do now and it's something she really wants to get in to. They sailed all but one day and she can hold a conversation with Matt about it. 
In addition to sailing, they also did lots of swimming in the pool and lake, games, playing on the playground... she loved it all. The first day she was exhausted and tired and teary about how she didn't know anyone. By Wednesday, she was asking if I'd pick her up later. 

Don't feel too bad for Katie- she had a good week too. On Monday we went to a park, Tuesday she got the babysitter to herself, Wednesday we went to the $1 movie before her "best friend" came over to play. It was her first one on one play date and the girls were so sweet. And then Thursday we went to the lake to swim with Yaya, Hailey, Case and Lane.

And then Friday night, Matt took both girls to the deer camp to go camping while I spent my first night alone in the house in 4 years! 
On top of really wanting a night to myself, camping is not really my thing. I like a bed and bathroom but more power to those who love it. For me, I'll leave this for Daddy to do with his girls.
Lilli had been once before when she was 3 but this was Katie's first time. They camped in Yaya's "enchanted forest" and everyone had fun! Matt told them to explore as far as they wanted as long as he could hear them. They ate hot dogs for dinner followed by s'mores for dessert and again for breakfast. Katie had never had one before and matt said he wished he would have gotten a video of her first bite. He got home and said they need some spinach and broccoli because they'd had nothing but marshmallows and Kool-Aid since I left them. 
This picture was right after sunrise. The girls were good when they got back but they wore matt out. He's snoring next to me now. :)


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