Vacation Bible School

I'm so thankful for church friends. They may not be my best friends that I call daily but you can always count on them to help you out. First Methodist had their VBS last week and I hadn't planned to send the girls because we would miss the first couple of days being in Houston. My friend insisted I let them come and join her group (giving her 6! Kids, when everyone else had 4) because she knew I was behind on work and stressing
I love the lessons and songs they learned. My favorite quote of the week was from Lilli, "Mom, I try so hard not to sin but it's so hard to not be mean to Katie when she drives me crazy!" She was really distressed. The sweet innocence of children. 

And this week they are going to VBS at Asbury in the evenings. Tiffany and I got together for dinner before today and it's always good to catch up. It's the first time I'd seen her this summer and it's hard to believe her twins will be here in 8 weeks. Katie didn't go yesterday but today she decided she wanted in on the fun.
I wasn't sure about the evening time but a couple hours alone in the evening wasn't too bad. :) 


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