We Made It!

It took us 7 hours (with stops) but we made it New Braunfels for Morgan's wedding. We pretty much only had time to change and get ready for the rehearsal but ended up having such a fun night. We rehearsed at Morgan and Matt's house before going to dinner at River Hofbraeu. Kathleen wasn't so sure about her flower girl responsibilities at the rehearsal so we're praying today goes better. Lilli is ready to jump in and walk with her if necessary. 
We toasted Morgan and matt, watched a slide slow and has a chance for the wedding party and family to get to know each other.

Thankfully, Jimmy was able to be there too. 
He had spent three days in the hospital because of an infection from a paddle boarding accident. But he got out just in time for the rehearsal and is now ready to walk her down the aisle.

Now everyone is ready for tubing and more partying today. 


  1. Oh no Jimmie!!!!! Glad all is well with you. And Nana!!!!! Cute as a bug!! Congrats to happy couple!!


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