Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mama’s in our lives. They all hold a special place in our hearts that no one else can fill. We count on you for friendship, wisdom and mostly love. And can’t thank you enough for all you do. Even the Mamas in heaven that probably help everyday even when we don’t know it. 

My day was perfect. I woke up to this

Plus a clean kitchen and laundry done. Matt knows just what I want! 
We put up the girls pool

That they played in at least 3 hours after the four of us got back from church. My other present was also a massage that was followed by a bath

Made even better by my gift from Yaya. Homemade bath salts complete with a piece from her Mama’s China. How cool is that?!!

And the day was finished off with a delicious meal cooked solely by my sweet husband.

And he cleaned up after! I couldn’t ask for a better day. Thank you Matt. For all you do and for these beautiful girls that made me a Mama. 


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