So Many Milestones

My baby graduates preschool Wednesday so of course I had to get prepared for the million pictures I’m going to take. At 5 years old she finally got her first haircut. Poor baby is cursed with my slow growing hair. She was totally bald until she was probably 8 months. 

                          This is her at 6 months. 

Plus she had the bad habit of twisting it as she fell asleep and on several occasions I had to cut knots out of it. You can see how uneven it was in this one 

So today at we went down to my friend/hairdresser’s house and got her first trim. She was not happy at first because she so badly wants long hair but by the end of it she was OK and it is so super cute. I can’t wait to wash it and see it with her curls.

Now we need to go get nails and toes painted and she’ll be ready for her big day on Wednesday.


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