
We actually got home about 5:00 Thursday night but, to be honest, it’s been kind of stressful around here so it’s been hard for me to get to this post. Now I realize it’s only been 4.5 days since surgery but Matt is in way more pain that we expected. I think we confused this surgery being not dangerous (as far as not cutting on vital organs) to not painful/quick recovery. We have quickly realized that’s not the case. The doc said he will be sore about a month and based on how he’s moving I think he’s right. He’s restricted to not lifting over 10 lbs and not lifting his arm over his head during that time but other than that it’s up to how he feels. As far as me, I was feeling overwhelmed and feeling like I’d never get caught up at work and around the house. Despite all that, I can’t tell you how nice it was to walk in to our girls! We miss them so much when we’re gone. Yaya also had the house picked up and enough food on the stove to last all weekend. 

The girls were obviously the best part but I had been craving home cooked food after 4 days of hospital food and this was delicious. Except for the one bowl I had, Matt ate all of the etoufee! He ate it every meal until it was gone so it was what he needed. We kind of laughed last night that he was thinking he’d go to the camp today while he was still in Houston. He’s far from that and I’m far from caught up but we both came to the realization yesterday that this takes time and stress doesn’t help. So he took a 6 hour!! nap (His body needs it I guess) and the girls and I spent the afternoon at the neighbors pool. 

Wore one little girl out!! Everything will get done, he’ll one day feel better. But for now, we’re enjoying being back together!! 


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