Is It Summer Yet??

Today is May 19th and school isn’t out until the 24th... but we’re OVER it. Apollo had their end of the year AR (accelerated reader) party (for kids that made the goal all year) on Thursday. Lilli got to wear her bathing suit and cover-up to school which made it the coolest day ever! 

And Friday was the last day of the grading period. She told me as she answered the last question of her test she teared up. She realized she would never have this teacher and this same class again and she’s loved 2 grade. 
It was also Donuts with Dad at First Friends

and (possibly) Katie’s last day. I told Yaya to send her while we’re in Houston but Katie says she’s telling her she doesn’t want to go so we’ll see. I snapped a pic just in case. ;) 

We celebrated no more tests by meeting friends at the park yesterday afternoon and spent almost 3 hours there. 

The Mamas are friends of mine so that’s the longest we’ve gotten to catch up in forever. We decided to get together at least once a week all summer so I hope that happens. Yay for summer! 


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