1st (And last?) Cookie Booth
Our busy weekend didn’t stop yesterday. On top of DI from 9 AM to 8 PM Saturday, we went to church from 8:30-10:45, cookie booth at Super 1 from 12:00-2:00, and then I showed houses/wrote a contract from 2:00-7:00 on Sunday. I.Was.Tired! When I got in to this I knew it would be nights and weekends but most don’t have so much kid stuff with it. Oh well.. the flip side is I didn’t have to get up and go to work this morning and pretty much took the day off. 😊 But on to the cookie booth... a lot of people don’t think about what a great experience selling cookies is for these girls. Yes, I’ve had to do a lot of prep to divide them and deliver but they didn’t get off with not doing anything. They went door to door to get orders a few weeks ago. They had to know the products and prices and also be ok with people saying no. Then, once they were in, they wrote thank you notes to each person that ordered and helped deliver them. But I thought the two hours at the cookie booth was the biggest le...