Destination Imagination State Tournament

Today was the big State tournament Lilli and her DI team have been preparing for all school year. She was on the Improv team which meant they didn’t know what their skit would be about or the characters in it until they walked in the room. They had two minutes to prepare and 5 minutes to perform. The only prep they had was researching the historical figures that were a possibility as characters and also doing practice skits during their weekly practices but never on this particular scenario. 
To be honest, as a Mom it was kind of hard to judge how well they did because preparing for everything had been pretty secretive and I wasn’t sure what the judges were looking for. The whole point of DI is working independently (no grownup help) as a team and creative thinking. Their coaches can guide during practice but no help at all today. And parents are not supposed to help at all, even with all the research they did throughout the year. But as you can see everyone was really proud to watch. 

I couldn’t get Capn’s attention quick enough and they were hushing us to start- the other two ladies are the coaches during it. I had to snap that picture because they look so proud.

They also had a second instant challenge that is totally top-secret. She can’t tell me what they did until after the global competition in May or her team will be disqualified from competing next year. (It’s because the coaches only get so many possible instant challenges and the ones that are at State will not be at globals and they don’t want people to be able to narrow it down.) I guess they did well in both because her Improv team placed 3rd in the State! Out of the three teams from Apollo they were the only ones to place but all of the kids did great. Only first place winners go to globals so she’s hoping for next year!

She’s really enjoyed this team and even asked her coach if they could practice anyway on Tuesday. I don’t think she’s gonna get that one but she did say she’s going to plan a big party in the next few weeks for all the kids so at least it’ll be another fun time with her friends. I’m glad she’s found this and excited for next year.


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