Not Again!!!

Lillian woke up this morning with a temp of 102 so back to the doctor we went. Flu test was negative but blood work shows it is viral so the doctor wants to retest tomorrow if she’s not feeling better. I’ve only had both kids at school at the same time for 4 days since Lilli’s birthday and now I’m home again tomorrow. Obviously the most important thing is getting her better but it sure is frustrating and I’m venting. I know I am lucky I can do some work from home... but not nearly what I’ve been trying to do. And she’s just going to have to sit in the car while KJ goes to gymnastics because she hasn’t been in 3 weeks either. Please say prayers everyone is back healthy in the next few days.  I hate seeing my baby feel bad and I don’t know how much more I can take! 

During those days she felt better we did have some fun. We went to Altitude for Claire and Remi’s Birthday party

We went to see the new LEGO Movie yesterday morning

After that we did some shopping for Mexico before going to Lane’s party

On the plus side I’m thankful for the few days she felt good so we could have some fun. And I’m thankful to Matt who took over caring for her and handling dinner tonight so that I could get some things done I had planned to do tomorrow before and after my open house. Now I can focus solely on loving on her tomorrow. And that’s just where I want to be. 


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