American Heritage Poetry

Tonight was round two of the American heritage competition. Two weeks ago Katie won the kindergarten level at her school and made it to this Parish round. The whole thing was completely voluntary so I was excited that she decided to do it.

This was a big auditorium! It was at Airline High so she was NERVOUS. She honestly didn’t let on before. She was all smiles when I left her to go sit with Matt and Lillian but as soon as she got up there we could tell. She said her name and then she froze. The whole thing probably lasted less than 10 seconds but Matt and I both felt our hearts sink and I think Matt was more worried about her than she was. We thought she was about to walk off stage without doing it but she fully recovered. She walked back up to the MC and had her call her name again and started from scratch. Then recited it perfectly. It a lot of courage and we were so proud of her. Honestly probably even more so than if it had just been natural from the get go.

She didn’t win a trophy but what an amazing experience for her and most importantly she said she had fun! Not a single mention of starting it twice. Matt was so worried this was going to turn her off from public speaking for the rest of her life and it didn’t even phase her. As we were leaving everyone she passed told her how cute she is and what a great job she did. And I love that her sweet little best friend and neighbor was so happy for her that she begged her mom to bring her to see. They didn’t stay but I snapped a picture so that I could show Katie that she was there. What’s even sweeter is that they did the first round together and Landry lost, but she was so happy and supportive of Katie.

Definitely a great experience and they both want to do it next year. 


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