It’s Warming Up

When the weather warms up so does the real estate market and it’s definitely starting for me! I am NOT complaining but this week has been crazy for our family. I have had an appointment with a client every evening but one since last Saturday (and have the same plans tonight and tomorrow) and have not been home before 6:45 any night. Matt has been home after me and the kids have been with me so I think we are all really tired. I’m taking Sunday off to enjoy the Palm Sunday service and afternoon as a family. But having three buyers and two listing consultations in a week is not something to be upset about so in that sense it’s going great! 

The only evening that wasn’t a late night because of a client was Tuesday and that was only because I kept it free to watch our little soccer star. This season is going great and she scored another goal. 

I love that this league takes so many action shots. I was able to get all of these from Facebook. We will definitely be playing with them again. Not only is she gaining so much confidence in Soccer, I like the values that it teaches as well. They stop mid practice and mid game for prayer and a Bible lesson. It’s definitely a great experience so far.

Different note... but she also lost her 2nd tooth yesterday and she was very excited about that

And this may be the busiest week I’ve had since I started in real estate, but most of my work is in the evenings so I picked up a new hobby. It started with me wanting to order cat cookies for Katie‘s birthday but everywhere I looked they charged $3-$4 EACH. No thank you! I went to Hobby lobby and spent less than I would have on cookies for the supplies to make them myself. I didn’t want the cat cookies to be my first attempt so I’ve been working on some Easter ones this week.

I definitely need some practice but the girls and I are going to finish decorating them. The three that are done were practice before I realized they need to dry much longer. 🤷‍♀️ We’ll work on them tomorrow before Lillian’s big art show that we’ve been gearing up for the last month. Should be a good day! 


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