KatieJane is 6

Miss Kathleen had a birthday on Friday and she’s had a big time. We started with presents before school

We put Lilli on the bus but she got to stay home. I’ve made it a tradition to keep them out (or at least check out) on their birthdays for one on one time. We went to lunch with Yaya and then the two of them went for mani/pedis. 

After Lillian got home we loaded up for a weekend at the camp. Michaelyn, Rick, Jen, Ryan, Anna and Piper we’re all there for the birthday evening. We had tacos/fajitas followed by presents and cake. She was a very happy girl! 

Saturday morning me and Michaelyn took the girls to Katie’s soccer game and Yaya met us. 

She scored an awesome goal and had an assist. Her fan club was very happy and proud of her. 

The rest of the weekend was crawfish, four wheeler rides and family. Pops and Honey made it by Saturday afternoon and Capn and Yaya and Luke and Josie came out for the day too. 

I think everyone agreed it was a perfect way to spend a birthday. Happy Birthday KatieJane! 


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