Getting Back to “Normal”

This week has been back to normal for me and the kids. Of course Matt is still home recovering so I’m trying to be home as much as I can. He doesn’t need me I guess but I’ll be honest that I’m not not ready to fully be back to “normal” so I can’t imagine what it’s like for him.  I’m getting there... but the last month caused so many emotional ups and downs I need recovery too.  It’s kind of hard out there in the real world when people ask how he’s doing and I tell them he’s great and that’s it. Of course my mind knows that’s the way it’s supposed to be and I definitely don’t want to dwell on it but I have to allow myself to feel these things. And it gets better each day so I know I’ll get there.

I found this quote and while I’m not comparing this to being with someone during years of a cancer battle and treatment (I know what that’s like too) I think this can apply to any major health issue. But the bottom one is what I turn to more. I’m not sure what this is preparing us for but I feel like it’s going to be important. 

Matt really is getting better each day. We’ve been walking every morning to try to build up his strength and it’s going well. His O2 sat still drops to the 80s before we get through with one lap around the block but he’s able to take a break and get it up without oxygen. 

I got to spend some one on one time with each girl this week too. It’s book fair so I volunteered on their library days and got to shop with them. 

Lilli had a big day today too because she was chosen to say the pledge at school and when they announced 4-H officers she found out she as chosen for VP!  She was so excited and I was so glad I got to be there to witness it. There was no election but the Principal told me several people applied to be officers and a committee of the 4-H leaders and school administration chose. We’re so proud! I told her that means they trust her and she needs to live up to it but I have no doubt she will. 

Matt’s at the camp this weekend and talking about going back to work at some point next week. Soon enough this will all be a memory and we can all be back to a “normal” that doesn’t need the quotes. 😉


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