Labor Day Weekend

I was thinking I was planning a relative low-key weekend but it’s been anything but. Friday night we had Josie spend the night while Cara went to work and Luke went to the deer camp. 

I absolutely love having her but I had forgotten how busy it is to have a toddler in the house. She never stopped! Having her all night was way different than the three or four hours I usually get her. But definitely not complaining, I want her back next week! She did pretty well at bedtime but it took me about 30 minutes to get her to sleep. Not too bad considering she had never slept at our house but the girls have decided they don’t want a sister, LOL. (Good thing!) 

She slept right in the middle of me and Katie in my bed and was up early the next morning. Cara came to get her about 9:30 so that they could go to her cousin’s party at Brownlee Park.

I had to work from about 12 to 3 showing houses to two different clients and the girls went over to swim with Noah and Landry while I was gone. And about 15 minutes after we walked in the door Kelli and Lily got there. They were going to play for about an hour before we went to a movie but everyone was having too much fun so we decided to stay in. We ordered pizza and they hung out until about 830.

This morning was a little bit of work in my office followed by grocery shopping. And then at 2 o’clock Bella and Britney got to our house for their first sleepover with us.

They played at the house until dinner and it is currently 7 o’clock and we are sitting at Brownlee Park playing because they still had so much energy and were getting bored. It’s really too hot to be outside without the water. Even at 7:00 it’s still 95°! Hopefully the start of September will be in the start of a little cooler temperatures soon.

They will be picked up about 11 o’clock tomorrow and Lillian is going to the wiener dog races at the race tracks with Shaleigh and her family. Katie and I are going to take it easy and wait for Matt to get home. Even after three full days of antibiotics his fever has not broken so I’m sure we will be figuring out what’s going on with him on Tuesday. I’m glad he got to spend the weekend doing exactly what he loves.

Watching the doves fly (and maybe killing a few đŸ˜‰)  at his favorite place on Earth with his family. ❤️


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