Feeling Grateful

It was obvious from my last post that quarantine was getting to me the other day. Most days are good. But every once in a while not so much. I think that’s pretty normal and most people can probably say the same. I don’t want this blog to be full of everything is rosey all the time posts. I hope my girls are reading this as adults and know that sometimes life is messy and that’s OK. But it’s times like this I am SUPER GRATEFUL for their Dad who always (well... most of the time 😉) knows the right thing to do. We walked back in to the cabin yesterday afternoon to a house that had been totally cleaned. A Global pandemic is like worst case scenario to a germaphobe. I look at groceries, mail and packages as dangerous objects (which I know is totally crazy) but it won’t always be that way. Everytime I go to Bossier I have to clean for hours getting supplies ready to come inside so walking into a clean house let me have a sigh of relief. 

And today I came back to Bossier while the girls stayed with him. They worked on the garden 

and I got packages and wrapped all of Katie‘s birthday presents and worked on things in the house. I’m going to stay the night and watch movies while cuddled up with Gypsy. This is the first time I’ve had more than an hour or two to myself in six weeks and I think it’s going to definitely help my mindset.

Quarantine is hard on the whole world. And I know compared to 99% of the people going through it we have it pretty good. We have a house with food and we don’t worry about where it’s coming from. We have a camp with literally thousands of acres to play on. And between both of them Matt and I can even have some time alone. Most Moms and Dad’s with young kids are not getting that right now if they aren’t seeing anyone but their nuclear family.  I can’t promise I won’t have another bad day while we are moving because being around people and touching anything that has been touched by someone else gives me serious anxiety. But it will get done. And we will be moved in. And we will be able to start this next chapter that we are very excited about! And today I am grateful. ❤️


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