Gloomy Quarantine Day

Quarantine Day 20- 
I don’t think we need to live in fear. I’m not scared of this virus because I’ve done a ton of research (and Cha-Cha and Hay Hay always laugh about how much I love medical research) and I know what I need to do keep me and my family safe. And I do think they’ll get it under control eventually. But until then I will avoid going out as much as possible. I truly believe it’s the right thing to do and has to be done to protect us and our medical staff. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t incredibly tough. I saw a news story this morning about a man that walks to his son’s house everyday to look at his baby granddaughter through a glass door and I lost it. We are supposed to be leaving Thursday for Easter in Baton Rouge. I have no idea how long it will be until I see my Dad, Grandma, sister, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles... in person instead of a phone screen. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for the technology to at least get that, and I FaceTime Nana and Dad everyday. But she sits in her apartment struggling with not being able to walk and adjusting to life in a wheelchair with no one but a nurse. He’s home knowing his kids and grandkids have all the free time in the world and he can’t see them. Our brother and sister and the cousins are a half mile away and we can’t hug them. And of course I feel the same about family and friends in town. But I know they will all be the first we see the second we can. That doesn’t feel quite as far away.  Even if we can’t hug we could technically meet in a parking lot and still see each other face-to-face if we wanted to. But the whole thing can be heartbreaking at times. We are home  doing our part to help prevent the hospitals from being so overrun that they can’t deliver care and from anyone we love having to fight this disease in a hospital alone. I know one day it will end. We’ll all hug and gather again. But not knowing when that will be definitely gets to me sometimes.

I am grateful that Matt and I truly enjoy each other’s company and we aren’t driving each other (too) crazy. (It helps that we’ve had plenty of practice spending a month alone in a room together) And that our kids are with us and still young enough to want to hang out with us. Today was a gloomy, rainy, lazy day but still some happy. Lillian learned how to make waffles, they starting painting a board for something Asbury Methodist is doing, Katie and Britney played over FaceTime and we watched movies. 

Even though it was a down day, I’m still counting my blessings to all be together! 


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