Happy Easter!

I’m a day late on my post but we had a very nice Easter yesterday. We had never had one like it and I honestly hope we never do again but only because I hope we’re with family from here on out. Being that we had to be home, it was a good one even if we did have 2 severe thunderstorm warnings during the day. 

The day started with baskets and egg hunts at 6:15. Katie was the first one up but I woke Matt and Lilli up after I saw her because the Easter Bunny has hidden eggs around the house and I didn’t want her getting an unfair advantage. šŸ˜‰ (The first of our severe storms was before daylight and I guess the Easter Bunny knew they were coming and that’s why eggs were inside.) We watched a church service at 8:30

And the rest of the day was honestly spent doing a whole lot of nothing. The kids played outside for a few hours while Matt and I both napped 

We woke up and hunted for the dyed eggs that EB had hidden around the yard. 

We had a zoom Call with my side of her family and we worked on a craft project I’d been wanting to do

And then we watched a few kids movies as the 2nd of the storms went by that evening. We didn’t even cook our big meal we’d been planning because it was going to be grilled and the winds were so bad. So frozen pizza for Easter dinner it was. šŸ˜‰ But that’s ok. Steak and shrimp coming tonight and even though this Easter was different, the meaning is still the same! He is Risen Indeed! 


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