It’s Wednesday??

It’s Wednesday?? I mean where did this week go? I was looking to see the last time I posted feeling like it’s only been a day or two and it was almost a week ago. I don’t think my car has moved since we got back from the deer camp last Friday. Just part of quarantine life. 😂 Now for historical purposes, when my kids are reading this as adults, a lot of people aren’t as homebound as we are. Officially Louisiana is almost 2 weeks into Phase 1 which has opened up restaurants at 25% capacity and I believe all retail stores. But I have not been inside a store since before my birthday and the last time I was in a public building at all was when we closed on our Brown Street house and that was 10 minutes in the title company. I think that’s the one and only time I’ve been inside anywhere since March 8th. I’d say about half of the people I know are still doing the same and staying in (although we are probably at the extreme as most have been in a store or two- and some have extended their circle to include some family). And with the other half I would say half of them are venturing out a little more  (a lot are back to work) but still really only for “needs.” And the other half of that 50% are pretty much going about life as normal. These are not any sort of researched numbers, just my experience from talking to people and what I see on social media and only applies to “my circle.”

But for us it’s still a waiting game to see what the numbers do. It’s not worth the risk for our little family with all we’ve been through the last 3.5 years. And with the National death number reaching a somber 100,000 today we’ve decided it’s what’s best for us. I even hired a part time assistant to handle showings for me because I’ve recently had clients ready to get back out there. But if we’re staying in, this is a good place to be doing it! The kids swim and play outside a good bit. 

Every morning we have to release a handful of frogs from the pool skimmer. Katie lost a tooth and I guess the tooth fairy got our change of address because she came that night. 

There’s been some gardening and berry picking 

And a lot of lazy afternoons. I’ve been making them read and do some math apps and they haven’t complained once. I think they are even craving mental stimulation. I’m ready to know the plans for next school year so we can decide what we will be doing but I know that announcement is probably still a month away. So for now we’re enjoying each other and our new house. I’d be lying 🤥 if I said we didn’t drive each other crazy some days. But for the most part we’re good and have plenty of practice with quarantine anyway. I hope we can see some people soon for a little summer fun but I’m also really glad to have the time with each other. 


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