Things Are Looking Up

I said in my post that Monday was a good day and the rest of the week so far has been a good week. On Tuesday the girls finished those fairy gardens

Wednesday, Pops and Honey sent homemade king cakes. The girls had called him last week to tell him that would make quarantine life better and he literally delivered. 😊
I also had to go to Apollo to turn in a library book and pick up Daddy Daughter dance pics. I was surprised at how much it got to me but I teared up as I pulled out of that parking lot for the last time. I’m sure the kids will love their new schools but it’s been a big part of all of our lives and we’ve all made good friends there. It’s nice when you know the teachers and staff and know they love your babies. But change is a part of life and we’ll all adjust. 

Thursday we came up to the camp. We wanted to see Matt’s garden and have a chance to see Rachel and bring her gift before her birthday on Saturday. 

Yaya ended up coming up for a bit too and we had a picnic lunch and the kids painted rocks. We had to call it quits though because poor Katie went for a lap down the hill on the four wheeler and came up pretty miserable. 😢 We gave her Benadryl and she was out most of the rest of the day. 

It was a VERY good day too because Nana had her back surgery and it went really well. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned on here but she had something happen that caused compression on some nerves at the beginning of March that has had her in a wheelchair ever since. It’s been a whirlwind during this coronavirus time of moving twice- once from her apartment to Jimmy and Theresa’s and then again to her new apartment when they found a good one. She had to self quarantine for two weeks at one point  because of covid exposure in the rehab hospital at the first of March. She couldn’t have any visitors at either apartment so she was adjusting to life in a wheelchair alone... but she is strong and luckily Janice got to spend the night in the hospital with her for surgery. 

Only time will tell if this will get her back on her feet but the doctor is optimistic. She said her main goals are to walk, even if with a walker, and to be able to tolerate a car trip to see our new house. ❤️ So it was again a good day. We may be distancing but I’ve decided to change the way I look at that and take the little wins and social times as I can- even if they have to be from 6 ft apart. 


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