School’s Out for Summer

I know they haven’t been in the classroom in 10 weeks but there was still some remote learning going on. In all honesty it was probably only an hour and a half each day but we did get everything their teachers sent done and turned in. But today we turned in the last graded assignments of the school year and they both kept up their straight As. I told them we still have to read everyday and do math at least a few days a week this summer because they’ve missed too much but we can quit with the schedule. Who knows what next year holds. I’m hopeful they will get to start their new schools like normal but I have friends at the school board saying ideas for part time class/part time remote to keep class size smaller is being tossed around too. 

Now we get to enjoy all the things about this new house. They love freeing the frogs from the pool skimmer every morning into the ditch in the front. Their are a few places we can walk to and fish too but haven’t tried that yet. The number of killdeer in this neighborhood is crazy. One poor Mama made the mistake of laying her eggs right by their swing.

Matt put the trampoline together and the kids are calling it their backyard paradise. Even this Mama has jumped on the trampoline and gotten in the pool once. 

That did NOT last long because it’s still too cold for my taste. 

The house is at the point where we’re doing the last of the things on the list. Pictures are being hung. Shelves are being 
Built in the garage tomorrow. And once Matt goes to the camp for her night (so he doesn’t think I’m nutty 🤪)  I’m going to “smudge” the house with the sage Chad and Rachel (you know this is all Rachel, lol) sent as a housewarming gift. 

I’m not sure what summer holds but I sure hope by next month it’s cousin camp and play dates. But even if it’s not this is a great place to be spending it!


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