Cousins are the Best Friends

We had planned all week to have a picnic with all the cousins and Yaya on Friday but a thunderstorm that decided to hit right at lunch changed our plans. We had some very upset kids because it had been over a week since they had seen anyone so I met Rachel in Plain Dealing after it quit for her to take the girls for the night. They played in the mud and went for some four wheeler rides and then met us the next morning over at Cara and Luke’s. Poor Josie had her tonsils out Wednesday and we stopped by to cheer her up and to bring her some homemade ice cream, a coloring book, and her first LOL doll. From there we all went over to Hailey‘s parents house to sit outside and have our pizza picnic. We were thankful it only had to be delayed one day.

Rachel had found these super cute shirts that we ordered a while back that said “Member of the Crazy Cousin Crew” that they all got yesterday. I honestly thought all the kids would have such a hard time social distancing and having to stay in the heat that we’d only be there maybe 20 or 30 minutes. But they were so happy to be together that we were there over an hour and a half. It was nice to catch up face to face too. I really do hope we do this more often. It’s worth it to make the effort even if things can’t be normal. Because the sad reality is, the need to social distance will be going on for at least the next several months, if not longer. So this is always better than nothing. It helped that Hay Hay brought her 5 day old chicks for everyone to play with too. This was something they could all enjoy while still being apart.

The girls were really hoping that this would get me on board with wanting some backyard chickens but it did not. Sorry, we can play with Hay Hay’s anytime though 🤣

Austin and Josey came home with us for a sleepover because everyone wanted to swim. The painters were working on the back porch when we got here so we played with our science kit and did some pretty cool experiments to entertain them and kill some time. They managed to find plenty of pool time too. I think Rachel and I have it worked out to where they’re going to be able to spend a week together. It’s the last week of summer because we are all starting homeschool on the 12th and they also have some doctors appointments next week which means being separated for two weeks. So we will spend half the week here and then go to the camp for the second half. After five months of no schedule it’s going to be hard to get in a routine but we will do it. For now we’re enjoying the last bit of lazy summer. 


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